News & Views On Foods

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Tell FDA to Rescind its Approval for Irradiated Ground Beef

The FDA has overlooked substantial evidence that irradiated food may not be safe for human consumption. The Center for Food Safety has informed the FDA that more than one-third of the studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals that looked at the question of genetic damage caused by consuming irradiated food actually showed genetic damage in animals, humans or cell cultures. Tell me more

While I personally don't usually sign or endorse petitions, I will pass this one on.

Subject: Citizen Petition No. 4Z4752 on irradiated
Dear Commissioner,

I am writing in support of Citizen Petition No. 4Z4752 to revoke the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) approval of irradiation to treat ground beef. I urge the agency to rescind its approval of irradiation for ground beef for the following reasons:

The 1997 FDA approval for irradiation of ground beef was flawed since the agency based its decision on deficient scientific studies.

The FDA failed to test for the toxicity of unique chemicals formed when ground beef is irradiated.

While the FDA knew of the existence of these chemicals as early as 1972, the agency failed to test for their potential to cause harm to humans.

Recent research from Germany and France indicates that some of these chemicals are harmful to laboratory animals.

In addition, the research indicates that there are questions about how these chemicals are metabolized in the body -- an issue that deserves continued research.

The consumer groups Public Citizen and Center for Food Safety have demonstrated the existence of these potentially harmful chemicals in irradiated ground beef that is currently being sold in the United States.

The FDA failed to apply its own protocols when evaluating the safety of the chemicals produced when foods are irradiated.

The FDA approval has led to irradiated ground beef being marketed in some 5000 supermarkets across the country. While that meat is required to be labeled so that consumers can make an informed choice, it is disturbing to me that some chain restaurants are offering irradiated ground beef to unwitting customers since information about food prepared with irradiated ingredients does not have to be divulged.

The FDA approval has also led the United States Department of Agriculture to remove its prohibition on purchasing irradiated ground beef for the National School Lunch Program -- thus setting up the potential for our school children to become the largest group of consumers of irradiated ground beef without having complete scientific assurances of its safety.

For all of these reasons, I strongly urge you to rescind your approval of irradiation for ground beef.

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